Welcome to Codename: Rune Caster

This is a short side scroller, action adventure platformer. The objective is to survive, eliminate the enemies by using your magic attack and reach the goal of these 2 short levels. Not as easy as it sounds.


Soldier Movement: A,D (Left or right, respectively.)

Jumping: Space bar, single jump

Shooting: Aim using the mouse (red reticle will indicate the direction of the shot)  and Left Click for shooting spark bursts

In settings menu you can set you in-game volume preference and visualize a cool character animation.


Codename_RuneCaster_Final.zip 35 MB

Development log


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Fantastic documentation, can tell you are not an ICT student lmao

Charming artwork love the creativity. Fun title and settings screens, with particles and sprites. 

The game is chaotic and is difficult in places, but there is still lots of fun to be had. You've done a great job of tweaking the levels and improving things constantly over semester, well done. There are heaps of little details to love about this game, how most things are animated in some way, the careful placement of health and ammo (Although I still managed to run out at just the wrong time on level 1), the surprising vertical-ness of level 2, and the unique sounds for each enemy. 

I didn't understand the connection between battery powerups and runecasting, but hey, not everything has to make sense lol :)

Yeah, probably poor execution of the idea. Also, I was very very ambitious with the concept and the assets. I wanted to create lots of abilities and powers but well... beginner + not enough time = unfinished product haha. Cheers

I wouldn't say "poor", and in case it wasn't clear my use of the word "chaotic" here wasn't necessarily a bad thing :)